Pea for pain

Pea for pain

Research has shown PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) to have anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and anti-nociceptive (anti-pain) properties and taking it regularly may boost your body’s natural response to pain by acting on the nerve cells which cause pain.PEA:...
Essential Omega 3

Essential Omega 3

If you’ve been to my clinic in the last few years, there’s no doubt I’ve taken a sample of your blood to check your Omega-3 levels. With close to 400 samples now, I can safely say we have a widespread deficiency of these essential fatty acids in our...
Ramp up the detox

Ramp up the detox

It’s an unfortunate fact of modern life that we are exposed to all manner of toxins; in our homes, cars and workplaces, in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. These unavoidable toxins can do a lot of damage to your cells through a process...
What does your poo say about you

What does your poo say about you

Nobody wants to talk about it, but your toilet habits can say a lot about your overall health. Do you spend way too much time in the loo or experience constipation, diarrhoea, pain, bloating or flatulence? These symptoms can be a sign you may have a functional gut...
The benefits of collagen

The benefits of collagen

Taking collagen for its health and healing properties has become a popular trend in recent years. Naturally found in the connective tissue of animals, it is the main protein responsible for keeping the tissue that connects, supports binds, or separates other tissues...
Find your Fibre!

Find your Fibre!

We all need fibre. Whether you’re a fan of low carb, intermittent fasting or another style of eating, this unique nutrient does wonders for our health. Fibre is also known as roughage. It’s the part of plant food that travels through our digestive tract...